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Table Of Content Star Wars: Princess Leia's Hair Buns Have An Inspiration Most Fans Don't Know Awards and nominations George Lucas has discussed the real-world origin of Princess Leia's A New Hope hairdo A Complete Timeline of Princess Leia's Hair, From 'A New Hope' to 'The Force Awakens' Personal life Nostalgic Movies That Feel Like Summer Vacation With loose waves cascading down her shoulders, Padmé’s classic Star Wars hair exudes a relaxed and playful elegance. The gentle curls add a touch of softness to her appearance, mirroring the tender affection shared between her and Anakin during this idyllic moment. In the sequel trilogy, Leia’s hairstyle evolves alongside her role as a seasoned leader and General of the Resistance. This look captures Leia’s authority and wisdom, featuring a sleek and sophisticated braided updo that exudes professionalism and determination. Leia’s hairstyle in her slave bikini outfit in “Return of the Jedi” is a controvers...